7 things you need to START doing to be more POSITIVE Person.ASAP!!

Juheeshwari Rajmohan
6 min readApr 25, 2019


“The only temple that matters can be found within yourself.” -The Dalai Lama.

Think like a UNICORN & Fart rainbows!

I always feel the first step towards solving any problem is “Mental Acceptance”. The moment you educate the problem to yourself with the pros and cons of the situation (i.e reality) and accept it then you will gradually land up to a great solution and that too YOURSELF!

Here are the 7 things I STOPPED doing to avoid making my life HOT MESS:

  1. Stop dreaming small, Start Dream EPIC!

Being positive is not a one day job, it is changing your mindset and revolving lifestyle around it. Never limit your dreams, just let it flow. This is the first step to make a positive mind set.

#MyTrick: I have kept a rule for myself that before I go to sleep I must ONLY think of things I want and love and exaggerate what I wish to have and basically magnify it!!! It will make you feel content and happy and you’ll end up sleeping like a baby..

2. Stop focusing on what you don’t want and START Focusing only on WHAT you want.

I firmly believe that our thoughts, imaginations, and beliefs gradually shape our reality. Everything you currently possess — whether it’s money, a job, emotions, or any other aspect of life, whether positive or negative — originated in your mind before it actually happened. However, the freedom to think can sometimes lead to overthinking, which can negatively impact the situation.

Treat yourself as a magnet. If you are happy you’ll attract more happiness. If you are sad you’ll attract more negativity. Chose your thoughts WISELY.

#MyTrick: As it is not as easy as it sounds, I grab a pen and paper to jot down exactly what I want, and read it 1000 times. It gives me a happy feeling, and it becomes true. It is not a magic pen or paper, it is the power of positive thinking.

3. Stop being ungrateful. Start showing more gratitude

Appreciate all things. This is the best pro-tip I have ever got. Just be more grateful. Saying this I also firmly admit of cheat days where you just feel frustrated of the things going around you want everything just like you plan . I have days where I just breakdown, overthink and compare everything I don’t have and how I badly want it. Every single time I walk that path all I feel is sheer regret we end up feeling UN-HAPPY. Acknowledge every thing you have, it’s very important! Let the little things amaze you, that’s how you will remember that life is accumulation of tiny bits of magic.

#MyTrick: I have made a list in my mobile which I try and find time to read every morning. You can read it while waiting for bus or when your coffee is brewing doesn’t matter takes just 2 mins.It is like a ted talk for your soul and solely for yourself. The gist goes something like this : I love myself, I am strong and powerful. I make correct decision quickly . I am the best, people around me love me. I am magnet I attract money, I attract power Etc. You get the point , just don’t use negative words like can’ts or would’nts. We all need power prep talk with cup of coffee in morning.

4. Stop searching the bad for good. Start to Search for the good in bad.

Well this step is certainly not easy to achieve. To reach to this level of zen is comes at cost of compromising a lot of things. But I noticed one thing for sure that you will be as happy as you decide to be.

#MyTrick: Life is really like unpredictable, we have to spread our arms and welcome the good things as well as bad things, so the way I TREAT them is like a “cycle”. Just like you see sunrise after the darkness, similarly you see happiness after you pull yourself from sadness. Create your own ingredients for happiness .

5. Stop being afraid of the result even before trying it. Be more carefree and brave.

No matter the task, if you anticipate difficulty and expect to make a mess of it, reframe your mindset to believe that it is easy and achievable, and then watch the magic happen. You might not excel immediately, but attempting it will definitely eliminate your fear. Transform your “I can” and “I will” into “I am.” It’s okay to have flaws and make mistakes; that’s perfectly fine. Relax, because everything will be okay, but it’s up to you to make it awesome. 😉

#MyTrick: Whenever I face a situation where I think, ‘Oh man, I definitely can’t do this,’ I turn around, take a deep breath, and think the exact opposite of my initial thoughts or consider the worst-case scenario which would be still better than not trying at all.

6. Stop comparison Start empowering yourself more.

Lack of self confidence never helps, NEVER!! To be frank in all my life I have compared a lot .Nothing is going to happen if you sit and wonder oh he/she is lucky to have that, nah if you really want something that badly WORK FOR IT!! Less you expect the more you will be happy.Put yourself on the top of your to-do every single day and the rest will fall in place.

#MyTrick : We certainly cannot close our eyes or mind when we walk around.We see things we hear them but how much it should effect us is all upon us. First try to limit you access to social media, practice to appreciate things you really like in others and develop more of this as a healthy practice.Use comparison as a weapon to trigger you, motivate you to improve for your better. Be the best version of you.

7. Stop being angry and try to release it. Divert your mind off the anger.

Anger is very powerful expression of emotion, but use it wisely. There is a saying “A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough”.Getting angry is like punishing yourself for the mistake of others.But saying this I also feel it is great way to take out the frustration you have built inside of you , I would rather suggest never pile up multiple issues inside you because that can make the situation worse.Mostly the speech comes out of you while you are angry can make you regret it the next day.

MyTrick:Well to be honest I don’t get angry that easily, but when I do get angry I literally stop what I am doing close my eyes and hold it max for 45 seconds and when you open your eyes after that it is gone or Exercise , it helps a lot , go for a run literally ! If this also doesn’t work , just listen to some loud music .This is exactly like “Power nap” , so let’s call it power-medication? well that’s your call :P .

Also, hugging your loved ones is a wonderful way to relax your mind. It’s incredibly soothing and comes with numerous positive benefits. I love cuddling up to the people who understand and love me — never let them go. I also found an excellent article on this topic titled “What Are the Benefits of Hugging?” and couldn’t resist sharing it: “https://www.healthline.com/health/hugging-benefits#4”.

Go now and hug your loved ones right away! If they’re far away, reach out to them by text or call and let them know how grateful and happy you are to have them in your life. It doesn’t hurt to do this once in a while :)

Just love yourself, dress to impress, and be productive. Create opportunities instead of waiting for them. In the meantime, spread love, keep learning, and keep growing. Teehee. Peace ❤

