Hello Detox, restore my body to factory settings, please!!

Juheeshwari Rajmohan
6 min readNov 23, 2020


Do you recharge yourself as much as you recharge your phone?

In the overwhelming growth of social media where either we are an influencer or influenced by the lifestyles of millions around the world, the prodigy of FOMO (Fear of missing out) in the field of health, fitness, and weight loss has brought the “trend” towards the natural, holistic-healthcare which is instigated to our metaphorical roots and ultimately bloomed the importance of the Detox to an extent that the term ‘detox’ has become chicer than ‘diet’ right now.

And that is how I discovered the world of detoxification — the popular buzzword!

Fortunately, our awesome body is well-equipped to eliminate toxins and doesn’t require special diets or expensive supplements for it and our body is cleansing and detoxing itself 24/7!!

Our body’s cleansing organs like the liver, kidneys, lungs and gastrointestinal tract are smacking down pathogens, detoxifying toxins and expelling pollutants every second of every day .

So yes I want to state the fact that this is NOT like magic or like the win for the weight loss game or anything but the idea of doing it once in a while and getting rid of harmful toxins from the body is something that interests me. Believe it or not, toxins deteriorate our health slowly and gradually. But doing THIS detox once in a while will definetly help you to rejuvenate your body’s detoxification system.

In my unvarying routine, I am all about the healthy lifestyle and certainly do not believe in short-term fad diets which promote quick weight loss without taking into effect the nutrients your body needs. But saying this I am only human and from time to time go on my occasional eating binge on weekends, which is extremely normal to me. I believe in making peace with your cravings rather than throwing them out of your house.

When I learned and researched about detoxification I felt that it is an extreme lifestyle to follow and sure it makes you lose pounds but don’t be fooled by that it is just the water weight and the fact that you consumed fewer calories. Detoxing isn’t just about eliminating the bad stuff but actually about what you add the necessary nutrients to your diet is more important.

Black-coffee is LOVE.

I personally adapted this detox-diet to get rid of the “bloated” feeling I get after binge eating over the weekend. So to get rid of that feeling I started doing detox Mondays. And totally loving the after effect. I feel sooo energetic. The aim here is not necessarily to drop lbs but this detox will certainly help you to reset and will end up making up feel better from inside. Besides a day or two without adding salt or sugar or ingredients that might lead to bloating or dehydration to your body helps you feel light.

See my version of detox through the pictures below.

So I start my day with a warm cup of Apple cider vinegar with a slice of lemon and cinnamon (sometimes I add ginger too but not every day!)

ACV with a slice of lemon and pinch of cinnamon powder

Drinking apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach maximizes health benefits and boosts the ability to process food. If you want to drink it after food, wait for at least 20–30 minutes. Even though ACV is not a miracle elixir, but surely it has numerous benefits like that it aids in weigthloss, promotes healthy digestion, removes “sludge toxins” from the body, supports a healthy immune system, adds good bacteria for the gut and really good for skin.

Apple, nuts, and Green tea.

Apples are a great source of slow-release energy, plus they contain vitamin C and B and potassium to give you the much-needed boost. Apart from being rich in vitamins, fiber, and minerals, apples are also rich in phytochemicals and pectin, which all help in detox. Pectin flushes out food additives and metals in our body. The acids in apple (malic and tartaric) help in digestion. Apples are best eaten raw and if consumed with the skin are a good source of vitamin C and fiber.

I pair apples and nuts with green tea which acts as a natural flush for your system and as it is rich in antioxidants, it helps your body increase the production of detoxification properties.

Lemon infused chia water.

I just love lemon chia-water. Keeps me so full and I sip throughout the day. Drinking chia seeds water or including chia seeds in your daily diet can reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

Green smoothie

I usually make my own smoothie bowls so easy to make and so yummy. I specifically love this perfect combination of ingredients, like kiwi,spinach and banana perfectly blended for great taste and a good source of 6 important nutrients including vitamins A, C, and B 12. Toppings are optional.

Carrot Juice.

Carrots are a good source of carotenoid, which acts as an antioxidant and helps in detoxifying your system. You can add a glass of carrot juice in your diet to get its maximum benefits. Antioxidants fight with the free-radicals and reduce oxidative stress, thus helps in boosting your metabolism. And lets face it, Carrot juice is a better and easier version of just eating raw or cooked carrots!!

Protein shake with Oat milk.

Protein is necessary to help carry toxins through the body for elimination, and fats are needed to absorb fat-soluble vitamins. Another reason that it’s important to take in fats and proteins during the detox process is that they take longer to digest and will help stabilize your blood sugar, keeping you satisfied between meals.


And oh yes the glue that holds all this together, the hero of this detox aka WATER!

My trick is to use sipper bottles as it allow you to drink water effortlessly and you end up having tiny sips of water and not gulp more amount at once compared to normal Bottles, which is the perfect way to have water throughout the day. Keeps you hydrated and aids weight loss.

In your version of detox feel free to add cilantro, ginger, cayenne, mint, matcha, fennel, watermelon, berries, greek yogurt, green leafy veggies: kale, romaine, wheatgrass, seaweed, and avocado. Just try to avoid sugar, salt, spices, gluten, dairy, carbonated beverages, and complex carbs!!.

Trust me try this detox once a week and you will feel so much lighter and hydrated from within as it’s really about feeling clean which conjures an almost spiritual state of well-being.

Disclaimer: After you decide to do this detox you might feel tired or would need to fight cravings. But that is completely normal and besides that, you will spend so much time peeing :D that is going to keep you super busy and no time for any other drama. Enjoy.

