What to expect from 21 day fitness challenge?

Juheeshwari Rajmohan
8 min readNov 25, 2019


I am so happy and also proud to announce that I’ve successfully finished my 21-day fitness challenge. Which included things mentioned in the image below.

When I first decided to take on this challenge, everything seemed manageable (since I was already on a calorie deficit diet) except for the “no sugar” part. It’s not that I’m a total sugar addict — I don’t even add sugar to my coffee, rarely drink fizzy drinks, or load up my shopping basket with biscuits, cakes, and chocolate. However, I do occasionally indulge in low-calorie ice creams or dark chocolate. Sugar is one of those things that, once you start, you find yourself going back for more throughout the day. For example, if there are cookies in the office, you can bet I’ll take one, then a few more!! Or if someone offers me cake, I’m unlikely to say no to a slice.

I do have a ‘sweet’ habit of indulging in small amounts of sugar in various forms. So, when I volunteered to take on the challenge to quit sugar and adopt other habits for 21 days, I was committed to it. And so, I did. You’d be surprised at how much sugar you consume until you try cutting it down. I wanted to give this challenge a shot.

My daily routine was:

  • Wake up as early as possible (though getting up is a major task for me!) and go for a brisk walk or jog. I used to do this for 15–20 minutes. This activity not only wakes you up but also energizes your muscles, making you feel productive throughout the day.
  • Have my dose of apple cider vinegar (tastes gross but super beneficial!!! my tip: add lemon and a pinch of cinnamon). Read more benefits here: [Healthline on Apple Cider Vinegar](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/6-proven-health-benefits-of-apple-cider-vinegar).
  • Get ready for the office (grab the meal prep done the previous night).
  • Eat breakfast at around 10:30 am, which usually consists of five egg whites and one egg yolk with veggies like broccoli, cucumbers, spinach, and half a slice of avocado. The classic high-protein, low-carb breakfast. And oh yes, my daily dose of black coffee (I eat as late as possible, around 10:30 am or 11 am, to follow my intermittent fasting routine. Learn more about intermittent fasting here: [Healthline on Intermittent Fasting](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/intermittent-fasting-guide)).
  • Around 1 pm or 2 pm, I have my lunch, the most eagerly awaited meal of the day. It’s usually 250–300 grams of chicken breast prepared with very little oil (I use olive oil spray) and very little sodium. I either make it into a salad or have it with fajitas. (To know more about what I eat regularly, follow me on Instagram @food_fit_saga).
  • Throughout the day, I tried to keep myself very hydrated, drinking almost 2–3 bottles of water. (My tip: For those who are lazy about drinking water, buy a sipper bottle. It’s so helpful — sip-sip all day).

Also, in between meals, I try to walk for 10 minutes or climb stairs. As my job is a total desk job, I try to get up as much as possible.

  • Around 4:30 pm, it’s snack time! I enjoy my non-fat Greek yogurt with no added sugar. (Dannon Light & Fit Original Greek yogurt is a delicious, nutritious, and convenient option to help you stick to your healthy routine. With a variety of fruity and indulgent flavors, 80 calories, and 12g of protein per 5.3 oz serving, you can enjoy it every day). I load my Greek yogurt with some nuts and berries. This is so delicious yet guilt-free. Plus, this snack is loaded with protein and antioxidants! Berries may improve your blood sugar and insulin levels, contain antioxidants, and are a good source of fiber. Consuming soluble fiber slows down the movement of food through your digestive tract, leading to reduced hunger and increased feelings of fullness. I love it.
  • After I reach home, I get ready for my gym session. My gym time is perfect “me time”. This is the time I give selflessly to my body. I usually do HIIT (high-intensity interval training. Read more about it here: [MensJournal on HIIT](https://www.mensjournal.com/health-fitness/7-scientifically-proven-benefits-interval-workouts/)). I combine strength training and cardio, track my BPM with my Apple Watch, and enjoy the satisfaction of closing all my activity rings before the day ends.
  • After my powerful gym session, I have my last meal, which is a protein shake with water (Gold Standard Whey Protein).
  • Before bed, I spend around 2 hours on meal prep and then cleaning my kitchen. Trust me, this whole process is another kind of workout!

The toughest part of this challenge was to control cravings over weekends!! You know the story: you’re on track from Monday to Friday, hitting the gym and eating healthy, but then comes the weekend and boom, you fall off the wagon a bit…. it has us all pondering “How much damage can I do on the weekend?” .Well the answer certainly depends on what kind of results you’re looking for and just how bad you are on these off days..

My Experience :

In the beginning, I was pumped and loved every bit of the challenge. I felt light and energized. But after a few days, I started feeling a bit hazy. I had a few nights of poor sleep and long days at work, but this haze felt different from the usual tiredness. However, after about two weeks, something changed. I snapped out of my haze and suddenly felt more focused and mentally clear than I had in a long time.

Then came the weekend (the hardest part of the challenge). Weekends usually mean shopping and leisure, and hanging out with friends who eat all the junk food — a.k.a. delicious carbs. Staying mentally strong to choose healthy options was a real test.

You can’t be prepared for everything. Eating healthy on weekends or vacations can be a challenge. To combat this, I kept myself super busy with house cleaning, gym sessions, hiking, exploring new places, shopping, and soaking up positive vibes. Oh, and I drank lots of water. More water means more trips to the bathroom — less time to think about cravings. LOL! But seriously, water helps reduce cravings and appetite. It has numerous benefits: better digestion, better skin, and major help in weight loss. (Read more on the benefits of water [here](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/290814.php#benefits)).

Weekdays weren’t a breeze either, but at least my mind was too occupied to wander. Of course, I had my ups and downs in terms of motivation. On the days I felt low, I’d dive into my killer playlist and remember my body goals. Our inner couch potato is often our worst enemy! Even on days when I didn’t feel like going to the gym, I opted for a one-hour walk. It’s totally fine. Never go too hard on yourself. Not just your body, but your mind needs a break too.

Understand your body, listen to it, and give it what it needs. Respect and appreciate it. Start by thinking about and speaking to your body with love and respect.

My pro tip: Always write down your realistic body goals and things you are grateful for. Gratitude and a positive attitude go a long way.

No one is ever going to love you more than you love yourself. In other words, until you’re 100 percent into YOU, no one else will be. Do whatever it takes to boost your self-confidence and love who you are. Think about it — if you’re not connected to who you really are, how can you expect to connect with someone else?

To sum up my experience, I’ll use a cliché line: “It’s going to be hard, but totally worth it.”

Expectations and outcome :

  • Is the 21-day challenge a total game-changer? Well, not exactly, but it helps build healthy habits. It’s estimated that it takes 21–28 days to form a new habit, and this 21-Day Workout Challenge is all about committing to your physical health by moving your body more consistently over three weeks to develop a new, healthy routine.
  • You probably already have some good habits, like waking up early, reading books, or tackling your top priority first thing in the morning.
  • After completing the 21-day challenge, I lost 5.5 pounds, and my skin looked great and glowing. I also lost a few inches here and there.
  • In addition, I found myself enjoying the cooking process more. I began to take pleasure in decorating dishes, making them not only appealing but also healthy and low in sodium.


If your scale is shooting you suspicious glances, or your favorite jeans are staging a rebellion, it’s high time to kick sugar to the curb and embark on the 21-Day Fitness Challenge. Well… I can’t guarantee it’ll be a walk in the park, but I can assure you, the results will be well worth the effort!

Will I continue this challenge? Well… yes, parts of it. I can’t commit to the no sugar part entirely, but I’ll incorporate key aspects of this challenge as a significant lifestyle change.

“Moderation and portion control are the keys to enjoying life a little more guilt-free.”


Remember, this eating plan is difficult; you’ll have moments where you want to chew your arm off and times when you’d consider mugging someone for their french fries. When you’re faced with these challenges be sure to use your common sense and manage the balance between exercising restraint and giving your body the nutrients it needs. There’s no doubt that this 21-day fitness challenge will be hard, but once you slide gracefully into your skinny jeans in three weeks, we’re pretty sure that all the pain will be forgotten. Try this challenge!

